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Booking Notifications

BetterGuest receives notifications from your PMS / Channel Manager whenever there are changes to a Booking. We process the Booking Notifications to keep Bookings in sync with your PMS.

It is important that we keep our copy in sync with the copy on your PMS, because Automations and Tasks are driven by your Bookings. If you have an Automation set to run 2 days before check-in, and the check-in date changes, we need to update the Booking and reschedule the Task to happen at the new date and time. This all happens automatically.


Everything on this page happens automatically. The detail here is just to explain how things work for those interested.

Delay In Updating

When we receive a Booking Notification, by default we wait 5 minutes before processing the Notification. We do this because we have found that often multiple updates are made within the space of a few minutes, and it's better to process the Notification when the changes have settled.